Learn to convey a clear message and maintain a positive relationship!

The key to successful conversations is less about what happens in the moment and more about how well-prepared you are. Let me teach you the proactive and preventative strategies you need as a line manager.

We run this workshop both in-person and online!


This one-day workshop provides you with a framework for navigating difficult conversations with; the people you manage, your own line manager and even with parents and the community.

You will learn the importance of:

  • preparing yourself in advance including setting expectations
  • understanding and managing your own emotions and reactions.
  • building relational trust
  • understanding and responding appropriately to the emotions of others.

You will be given:

  • proactive and preventative strategies which assist to avoid conflict in the first place
  • a framework for preparing for high stakes conversations
  • several scaffolds for different conversation types
  • plenty of opportunities to practise and plan.


The Important Details 

When: Multiple dates in 2024

Where: Leederville, WA or Online via Microsoft Teams




Online Workshop


As an interactive workshop, you will be expected to attend and participate in online breakout groups. You will need to be in a quiet place and have audio and visuals turned on. This will be live and not self-paced.

This online workshop has been designed for country folks who cannot attend our in-person workshops.


Facilitated by Jenny Cole

Jenny is the owner  Positively Beaming/ BEAM Consulting. Prior to establishing her company, she was a school principal for 12 years. She worked with the most challenging students (and staff!) in special education and mainstream settings.  

Jenny is passionate about supporting leaders in schools at all levels. She has consulted to the DoE Leadership Institute to write and present PL for managers of corporate services as well as aspiring school leaders. She has worked with schools across the state and across Australia to build great teams.  

Jenny's workshops are highly practical and interactive. Her funny, no nonsense approach helps turn the most boring topic into something engaging and 'real'.  When not in schools or running professional learning, Jenny can be found wrangling her dog Crazy Charlie. 

Jenny head shot

We would love to attend your network meetings!

Email us for details - info@positivelybeaming.com.au