Strategies for Line Managers to effectively manage EAs and Non-Teaching Staff


Managing human resources in schools is a complex job.

In this workshop you will learn how to:

- Set yourself up for success
- Design great inductions
- Have purposeful meetings run by the EAs (yes, it's possible)
- Make performance management less onerous
- Have techniques for avoiding tough conversations and tools for when you need them.

I want you to walk away with the skills and confidence to
lead an awesome team of EAs and non-teaching staff.




This workshop is designed for Managers of Corporate Services (MCS) but would also be useful for Deputies, Student Services Coordinators and Learning Support Coordinators who share responsibility of managing the performance of EAs.

It is not suitable for teachers.

Happy boss woman female

Program Outline

We believe that if you get the foundations right, then everything is easier and conflict can be avoided.

  • Setting Yourself up for Success (even if you have been doing this forever)
  • Building Culture (including Induction)
  • Getting Clear on Roles and Responsibilities
  • Purposeful Meetings and Communication
  • Positive Performance Management
  • Tools for Challenging Conversations

Facilitated by Jenny Cole

Jenny is the owner  Positively Beaming/ BEAM Consulting. Prior to establishing her company, she was a school principal for 12 years. She worked with the most challenging students (and staff!) in special education and mainstream settings.  

Jenny is passionate about supporting leaders in schools at all levels. She has consulted to the DoE Leadership Institute to write and present PL for managers of corporate services as well as aspiring school leaders. She has worked with schools across the state and across Australia to build great teams.  

Jenny's workshops are highly practical and interactive. Her funny, no nonsense approach helps turn the most boring topic into something engaging and 'real'.  When not in schools or running professional learning, Jenny can be found wrangling her dog Crazy Charlie. 

Jenny head shot

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